Protect yourself from Recruiting Scams

It has come to our attention that certain dishonest individuals are falsely claiming to represent or be associated with BluePixel. They misuse elements of our brand and images of our leadership team to deceive the public. A particular concern is a fake website,, that mimics an investment platform. Additionally, they distribute false incorporation certificates and letters as alleged proof of legitimacy. If you're job-hunting, stay vigilant against such frauds. To ensure genuine interaction with BluePixel, remember these guidelines:

If you're job-hunting, stay vigilant against such frauds. To ensure genuine interaction with BluePixel, remember these guidelines:

  • BluePixel will never request payment or investments promising future returns of withdrawals. We've learned that the impostors use the cryptocurrency "USDT" to facilitate scams. We are not involved in any form of investment or earnings schemes, neither online nor in physical locations, and we do not request money for investments or trading activities.
  • BluePixel will never send you an interview invitation via Whatsapp, Chat, or social media.
  • BluePixel will never send you a job offer using an email address outside the domain.
  • BluePixel will never ask for you to participate in anything related to ratings or reviews, nor are we an "App Promotion Company".

BluePixel shall not be held accountable and expressly denies any responsibility for any damages resulting from using, referencing, or relying on any information found on the mentioned website and documents. The public should be aware that engaging with this website or any other platform and materials endorsed by these impostors is entirely at their own risk.

Our official and only website continues to be

If you have doubts about the authenticity of any contact that does not match the details given, please reach out to us directly at